For Emergencies Know Your Zone: BEL-E002
Proudly Serving Belmont Heights & Belcrest Gardens
Because of its location, the Belmont Heights neighborhood is at a higher risk of wildfires than other parts of Belmont. It is important that we are as prepared as possible for this eventuality. The Fire Department offers no-cost home visits to evaluate the fire risk to your property.
To schedule your FREE on-site visit, call our Fire Department (SMCFD)
Call SMCFD Community Risk Reduction at 650.522.7940.
Press 2 (Vegetation Management).
Ask to schedule your Free Wildfire Safety Assessment.
If you go to voicemail, leave a message with your name, phone number, your address and that you are requesting a free wildfire safety assessment as seen in the BHCIA signage. Someone from our Fire Department will get back to you to schedule the visit at your home.
Fire Harden Your Home
Below is a wealth of information that we urge you to review and
implement as needed.
Wildfires are a Danger to Homes for Two Primary Reasons:
Flying Embers: Wildfires generate massive amounts of embers that are
wind-carried for up to several miles. There are plenty of examples of entire
neighborhoods being wiped out due to embers even though the fire was
contained up to 4 miles away. Two of the lowest-cost improvements to do:
Prevent embers from entering your attic and basement
(more on firesafe vents) -
Keep your gutters and roof clean of flammable debris (leaves, needles)
Flames, coming in direct contact with your home: Having a Defensible Space will help protect your property from a wall of flames: this means a wildfire is out of control and your home is in its path. (more on defensible space)
Asbestos and Natural Disasters
After natural disasters including wildfires and earthquakes, damaged asbestos-containing materials may expose residents, first responders and clean-up crews to asbestos fibers in the air
Breathing in asbestos fibers can lead to serious health conditions years later, potentially leading to a cancer called mesothelioma
Learn what to do during wildfires to reduce asbestos exposure
FireSafe Vents: Vents on homes create openings for flying embers. Ember entry through vents can result in ignition of combustible materials in the attic, and result in a building burning from the inside out.
For more information please click here.
Please click on image below to view document.
Please visit READY FOR WILDFIRE -- a great source of information about how you can protect your home and family.